The basic structure of the logo is made up of the writing style and the typographical arrangement. This creates an L-shaped, projecting element.
The rotated word "ZEHN" catches the eye and encourages you to take a second look. Things are often perceived more clearly and new solutions are found when you look twice or by turning them upside down.
With minimal stylistic means this creates the kind of verbal and visual branding that leaves room for interpretation and fulfils the requirements of a logo at the same time:
– quick identification
– creates an impression that suits the theme
– good legibility even when downsized
– easy to apply in all media
– easy to reproduce on all devices
Brand identity, text, photography, website design and development

Side view of a building or building part
with windows (due to the regular spacing of the monospace font)
The rotated word "ZEHN" creates a subtle differentiation to the other words and triggers associations such as:
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