Essenszeit has more than 150 employees and acts as host in at least 20 staff restaurants and in communal catering. Essenszeit offers corporate catering advice and support in various locations in Germany and Austria.
HAGEN GESTALTUNG is developing a modern image and communication design for EssensZeit GmbH, which will be vibrantly incorporated in their company culture and help make their company communication a success.

Simple - Modern - Modular
Development of a modular image. Meal E is arranged in the bowl or on the plate ( The shell of the logo serves as a formal bracket for different contents.

Modular wording
Essenszeit develops individual ideas, promotional weeks and cooking courses on various topics including communication material. The favourite food is part of a vibrant company culture. Lovingly prepared food as the cherry on the cake.

these associations are used on the website as randomly loaded word modules

The picture style: bright, fresh and breezy
The philosophy of Essenzeit sees eating together in a nice atmosphere as a vibrant part of their company culture and the table as the central place of communication. This concept is the starting point for the pictorial concept of the top view. The photo shoot takes places in Vienna's A typical situation, a lunch break in the canteen with people chatting and exchanging ideas, is photographed from above. In line with the underlying idea of a light and wholesome lunch, the picture style is bright, fresh and breezy.
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